Accountability and Compliance Reports

Keeping Parents Informed: Charter Transparency
Vaughn Next Century Learning Center (VNCLC) is a charter public school governed by a nonprofit board of directors and overseen by the Los Angeles Unified School District. On January 12, 2016, the LAUSD board voted to approve a Board Resolution, “Keeping Parents Informed: Charter Transparency” which was passed with the support of the LA charter community. The resolution highlighted commonly requested information and data that charter public schools share with parents through their charter petitions, School Accountability Report Cards, Local Education Agency Plans, Local Control Accountability Plans, Annual Audits, and other publicly available documents.

This commonly requested information is available from VNCLC electronically or manually by parent request. Per board resolution, parents may request this information in English and any single primary language meeting the requirements of Sections 45400 through 45403 of the California Education Code. Please submit parent requests for information to Fidel Ramirez, CEO.

  • 2021-2024 LCAP (link)

  • 2021-2022 Budget Overview for Parents (link)