Uniform Complaint Policy & Procedures
The Board of Directors of Vaughn Next Century Learning Center (“VNCLC”) recognizes that VNCLC has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs.
This document contains rules and instructions about the filing, investigation and resolution of a Uniform Complaint Procedures (“UCP”) complaint regarding an alleged violation by a local educational agency of federal or state laws or regulations governing educational programs, including allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, and noncompliance with laws relating to pupil fees, and noncompliance with the requirements governing the Local Control Funding Formula or Sections 47606.5 and 47607.3 of the Education Code, as applicable.
VNCLC shall investigate complaints alleging failure to comply with those laws and regulations alleging discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying; unauthorized charging of pupil fees for educational activities; noncompliance with physical education instructional minutes at specified grade levels; noncompliance with education provisions for pupils in foster care and pupils who are homeless; provisions of courses without educational content and previously completed/graded courses sufficient for satisfying requirements/prerequisites for postsecondary education and receipt of a diploma, except under specified conditions; failure to reasonably accommodate lactating students; and failure to comply with legal requirements pertaining to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Vaughn Next Century Learning Center shall seek to resolve those complaints in accordance with the procedures set out in CA Code of Regulations §§4600-4687 and the policies and procedures of Vaughn.